Эпоха открытий. Возможности и угрозы второго Ренессанса - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Йен Голдин, Крис Кутарна cтр.№ 98

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Онлайн книга - Эпоха открытий. Возможности и угрозы второго Ренессанса | Автор книги - Йен Голдин , Крис Кутарна

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37. Swetz, Frank (1989). Capitalism and Arithmetic: The New Math of the 15th Century. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company.

38. Arnold, Thomas (2002). “Violence and Warfare in the Renaissance World” // In A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance, edited by G. Ruggiero. Blackwell Reference Online: Blackwell.

39. Lee, Alexander (2013). The Ugly Renaissance. London: Hutchinson.

40. Mokyr, Joel (1990). The Lever of Riches: Technological Creativity and Economic Progress. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Р. 79.

41. Brynjolfsson, Erik and Adam Saunders (2010). Wired for Innovation: How Information Technology Is Reshaping the Economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

42. Partnership for a New American Economy (2012). Patent Pending: How Immigrants Are Reinventing the American Economy. Partnership for a New American Economy. По материалам www.renewoureconomy.org.

43. Manyika, James, Jacques Bughin, et al. (2014). Global Flows in a Digital Age. New York: McKinsey & Co.

44. Castelvecchi, Davide (2015, May 15). “Physics Paper Sets Record with More Than 5,000 Authors” // Nature: International Weekly Journal of Science. По материалам www.nature.com/news.

45. NobelPrize.org (2015). “List of Nobel Prizes and Laureates”. По материалам www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes.

46. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2015). “Merchandise: Intra-Trade and Extra-Trade of Country Groups by Product, Annual, 1995–2014” // UNCTADStat. По материалам unctadstat.unctad.org.

47. BBC News (2006, November 27). “Star Wars Kid Is Top Viral Video” // BBC. По материалам www.bbc.co.uk.

48. Stark, Chelsea (2015, July 22). “PewDiePie’s Youtube Success Puts Him on the Cover of ‘Variety” Mashable.com. По материалам mashable.com.

49. Whitehead, Tom (2015, January 9). “Paris Charlie Hebdo Attack: Je Suis Charlie Hashtag One of Most Popular in Twitter History” // TheTelegraph. По материалам www.telegraph.co.uk.

5. Соборы, верующие и сомнения

1. Gallichan, Walter M. (1903). The Story of Seville. London: Dent.

2. Pettegree, Andrew (2010). The Book in the Renaissance. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

3. Lowry, Martin (1974). Two Great Venetian Libraries in the Age of Aldus Manutius. Manchester, UK: John Rylands University Library of Manchester.

4. Staikos, Konstantinos (2000). The Great Libraries: From Antiquity to the Renaissance (3000 B.C. to A.D. 1600). New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press; Febvre, Lucien and Henri-Jean Martin (2010). The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing, 1450–1800. London: Verso.

5. Barker, Nicolas (1989). Aldus Manutius: Mercantile Empire of the Intellect, Volume 3. Los Angeles: University of California Research Library; Davies, Martin (1995). Aldus Manutius: Printer and Publisher of Renaissance Venice. London: British Library.

6. Lowry, Martin (1979). The World of Aldus Manutius: Business and Scholarship in Renaissance Venice. Oxford: Blackwell.

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.

9. Staikos, Konstantinos (2000). The Great Libraries: From Antiquity to the Renaissance (3000 B.C. to A.D. 1600). New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press.

10. Davies, Martin (1995). Aldus Manutius: Printer and Publisher of Renaissance Venice. London: British Library.

11. Nesvig, Martin Austin (2011, October 28). “Printing and the Book” // Oxford Bibliographies. По материалам www.oxfordbibliographies.com.

12. W3 Techs (2015). “Usage Statistics and Market Share of Apache for Websites”. По материалам w3techs.com/technologies/details/ws-apache/all/all.

13. Statista (2015). “The Most Spoken Languages Worldwide (Speakers and Native Speaker in Millions)”. По материалам www.statista.com/statistics/266808/the-most-spoken-languages-worldwide.

14. Lewis, M. Paul, Gary Simons, et al. (eds.) (2015). Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 18th Edition. Dallas, TX: SIL International. По материалам www.ethnologue.com.

15. Hale, Scott A. (2014). Global Connectivity and Multilinguals in the Twitter Network. SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Toronto.

16. Wikipedia (2015). “List of Wikipedias”. По материалам en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias.

17. Kemp, Simon (2014, January 9). “Social, Digital and Mobile Worldwide in 2014”. По материалам wearesocial.net/blog.

18. Manyika, James, Jacques Bughin, et al. (2014). Global Flows in a Digital Age. New York: McKinsey & Co.

19. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2015). “Merchandise: Intra-Trade and Extra Trade of Country Groups by Product, Annual, 1995–2014” // UNCTADStat. По материалам unctadstat.unctad.org.

20. von Ahn, Luis (2011). “Massive-Scale Online Collaboration” // TEDTalks. По материалам www.ted.com, плюс оценки авторов.

21. Ibid.

22. Duolingo (2015). “About Duolingo”. По материалам www.duolingo.com/press.

23. Pinkowski, Jennifer (2010, March 28). “How to Classify a Million Galaxies in Three Weeks” // Time. По материалам content.time.com.

24. CERN (2015). “Computing: Experiments at CERN Generate Colossal Amounts of Data”. По материалам home.web.cern.ch/about/computing.

25. Langmead, Ben and Michael C. Schatz (2013). “The DNA Data Deluge” // IEEE Spectrum. По материалам spectrum.ieee.org/biomedical/devices/the-dna-data-deluge.

26. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2013, October 27). “Managing the Deluge of ‘Big Data’ from Space” // NASA. По материалам www.jpl.nasa.gov/news.

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