Гений. Жизнь и наука Ричарда Фейнмана - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Джеймс Глик cтр.№ 173

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1948f. Paper T5: “Theory of Positrons.” Talk prepared for American Physical Society meeting in January 1949. CIT.

1949a. “The Theory of Positrons.” Physical Review 76:749.

1949b. “Space-Time Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics.” Physical Review 76:769.

Feynman; Metropolis, Nicholas; and Teller, Edward. 1949. “Equations of State of Elements Based on the Generalized Fermi-Thomas Theory.” Physical Review 75:1561.

Wheeler, John Archibald, and Feynman. 1949. “Classical Electrodynamics in Terms of Direct Interparticle Action.” Reviews of Modern Physics 21:425.

1950. “Mathematical Formulation of the Quantum Theory of Electromagnetic Interaction.” Physical Review 80:440.

1951a. “An Operator Calculus Having Applications in Quantum Electrodynamics.” Physical Review 84:108.

1951b. “The Concept of Probability in Quantum Mechanics.” Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, University of California, Berkeley, 1950:533.

Brown, Laurie M., and Feynman. 1952. “Radiative Corrections to Compton Scattering.” Physical Review 85:231.

Lopes, J. Leite, and Feynman. 1952. “On the Pseudoscalar Meson Theory of the Deuteron.” Symposium on New Research Techniques in Physics, 15–29 July.

1953a. “The Lambda Transition in Liquid Helium.” Physical Review 90:1116.

1953b. “Atomic Theory of Lambda Transition in Helium.” Physical Review 91:1291.

1953c. “Atomic Theory of Liquid Helium near Absolute Zero.” Physical Review 91:1301.

1953d. “Atomic Theory of Liquid Helium.” Talk at the Theoretical Physics Conference in Tokyo, September 1953. In Notas de Físicas 12.

1954a. “Atomic Theory of the Two-Fluid Model of Liquid Helium.” Physical Review 94:262.

1954b. “The Present Situation in Fundamental Theoretical Physics.” Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 26:51.

Feynman; Baranger, Michel; and Bethe, Hans A. 1954. “Relativistic Correction to the Lamb Shift.” Physical Review 92:482.

Feynman and Speisman, G. 1954. “Proton-Neutron Mass Difference.” Physical Review 94:50.

1955a. “Slow Electrons in a Polar Crystal.” Physical Review 97:660.

1955b. “Application of Quantum Mechanics to Liquid Helium.” In Progress in Low Temperature Physics. Edited by C. J. Goiter. Amsterdam: North Holland.

1955c. “The Value of Science.” Transcript of address at the autumn 1955 meeting of the National Academy of Sciences. In Engineering and Science, June, 3.

Feynman and Cohen, Michael. 1955. “The Character of the Roton State in Liquid Helium.” Progress in Theoretical Physics 14:261.

1956a. “The Relation of Science and Religion.” Engineering and Science, June, 20.

1956b. “Dr. Feynman Replies to Mr. Sohler’s ‘New Hypothesis.’” Engineering and Science, October, 52.

Feynman and Cohen, Michael. 1956. “Energy Spectrum of the Excitations in Liquid Helium.” Physical Review 102:1189.

Feynman; de Hoffmann, Frederic; and Serber, Robert. 1956. “Dispersion of the Neutron Emission in U-235 Fission.” Journal of Nuclear Energy 3:64.

1957a. “Superfluidity and Superconductivity.” Reviews of Modern Physics 29:205.

1957b. “Alternative to the Two-Component Neutrino Theory.” Remarks at the Seventh Annual Rochester Conference on High-Energy Physics, 15–19 April. In Ascoli et al. 1957, IX-42.

1957c. “The Role of Science in the World Today.” Proceedings of the Institute of World Affairs 33:17.

Feynman; Vernon, F. L.; and Hellwarth, Robert W. 1957. “Geometric Representation of the Schrodinger Equation for Solving Maser Problems.” Journal of Applied Physics 28:49.

Cohen, Michael, and Feynman. 1957. “Theory of Inelastic Scattering of Cold Neutrons from Liquid Helium.” Physical Review 107:13.

1958a. “Excitations in Liquid Helium.” Physica 24:18.

1958b. “A Model of Strong and Weak Couplings.” Typescript. CIT.

1958c. “Forbidding of Гений. Жизнь и наука Ричарда Фейнмана — β Decay.” Talk at Annual International Conference on High Energy Physics at CERN, Geneva, 30 June-5 July. In Ferretti 1958.

Feynman and Gell-Mann, Murray. 1958a. “Theory of the Fermi Interaction.” Physical Review 109:193.

Feynman and Gell-Mann, Murray, 1958b. “Theoretical Ideas Used in Analyzing Strange Particles.” Manuscript for Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. CIT.

Feynman and Gell-Mann, Murray. 1958c. “Problems of the Strange Particles.” Proceedings of the Second Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy.

1960a. “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom: An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics.” Talk at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society, 29 December 1959. In Engineering and Science, February, 22.

1960b. “The Status of the Conserved Vector Current Hypothesis.” In Sudarshan et al. 1960, 501.

1961a. “The Present Status of Quantum Electrodynamics.” Talk for 1961 Solvay Conference. Typescript. CIT. In Extrait des Rapports et Discussions, Solvay. Institut International de Physique, October.

1961b. “Theory of Gravitation.” Faraday Lecture, 13 April. Transcript. PERS.

1961c. Quantum Electrodynamics. New York: W. A. Benjamin.

1961d. Theory of Fundamental Processes. New York: W. A. Benjamin.

Edgar, R. S.; Feynman; Klein, S.; Lielausis, I.; and Steinberg, C. M. 1961. “Mapping Experiments with r Mutants of Bacteriophage T4D.” Genetics 47:179.

Feynman; Hellwarth, R. W.; Iddings, C. K.; and Platzman, P. M. 1962. “Mobility of Slow Electrons in a Polar Crystal.” Physical Review 127:1004.

1963a. “The Problem of Teaching Physics in Latin America.” Transcript of keynote speech given at the First Inter-American Conference on Physics Education in Rio de Janeiro. In Engineering and Science, November, 21.

1963b. “The Quantum Theory of Gravitation.” Acta Physica Polonica 24:697.

1963c. “This Unscientific Age.” John Danz Lectures. Transcript. CIT.

Feynman; Leighton, Robert B.; and Sands, Matthew. 1963. The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.

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