Первый человек. Жизнь Нила Армстронга  - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Джеймс Хансен cтр.№ 155

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Онлайн книга - Первый человек. Жизнь Нила Армстронга  | Автор книги - Джеймс Хансен

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Wolfe, Tom. The Right Stuff. / Tom Wolfe. – New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1979. (На русском языке вышла под названием “Битва за космос”, изд-во “Амфора”, 2006 г.)

Worden, Al. Falling to Earth: An Apollo 15 Astronaut’s Journey to the Moon. / Al Worden, Francis French. – Washington, DC: Smithsonian Books, 2011.

Yeager, Chuck. Yeager: An Autobiography. / Chuck Yeager, Leo Janos. – Toronto and New York: Bantam Books, 1985.

Young, James O. Meeting the Challenge of Supersonic Flight. / James O. Young. – Edwards AFB, CA: U.S. Air Force Flight Test Center History Office, 1997.

Young, John. Forever Young: A Life of Adventure in Air and Space. / John Young, James R. Hansen. – Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2012.

Статьи в периодических изданиях

Asher, Gerald. Of Jets and Straight Decks: USS Essex and Her Air Wings, 1951–1953. / Gerald Asher. // Airpower No. 32 (Nov. 2002). – 2002. – P. 26–40.

Brinkley, Douglas. The Man and the Moon. / Douglas Brinkley. // American History 39. – pp. 26–37, 78–79.

Gates, Thomas F. The Screaming Eagles in Korea, 1950–1953: Fighting 51, Part II. / Thomas E Gates. // The Hook 24 (Winter 1996): – 1996. – P. 19–31.

Gray, Paul N. The Bridges at Toko-Ri: The Real Story. / Paul N. Gray. // Shipmate (July-Aug. 1997). – 1997.

Home-Douglas, Pierre. An Engineer First. / Pierre Home-Doug-las. // Prism 13. – P. 42–45.

Honegger, Barbara. Saving Apollo 11. / Barbara Honegger, USAF Lt. Col. (Ret.) Hank Brandli. // Aviation Week and Space Technology (Dec. 13, 2004): – 2004. – P. 78–80.

Kaufman, Richard F. Behind the Bridges at Toko-Ri. / Richard F. Kaufman. // Naval Aviation News 84 (Mar.-Apr. 2002). – 2002. – P. 18–23.

Michener, James A. The Forgotten Heroes of Korea. / James A. Michener. // The Saturday Evening Post, May 10, 1952. – 1952. – P. 19–21, 124-28.

Reilly, John. The Carriers Hold the Fine. / John Reilly. // Naval Aviation News 84 (May-June 2002). – 2002. – P. 18–23.

Thompson, Warren E. The Reality Behind Toko-Ri. / Warren E. Thompson. // Military Officer 1 (June 2003). – 2003. – P. 54–59.

Биографические очерки об Армстронге

A Small Town and a Big Dream. // Cincinnati Post, Oct. 24,1992. – 1992.

Abramson, Rudy. A Year Eater: Armstrong Still Uneasy in Hero Role. / Rudy Abramson. // Eos Angeles Times, July 19, 1970. – 1970.

Ambrose, Stephen E. NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project Oral History Transcript: Neil A. Armstrong. / Stephen E. Ambrose, Brinkley, Douglas. // Quest: The History of Spaceflight Quarterly 10 (2003). – 2003. [www.jsc.nasa.gov/oral_histories].

Andry, Al. America s Enigmatic Pioneer. / Al Andry. // Cincinnati Post, July 20, 1989. – 1989.

Armstrong Aimed at Moon Walk. // Dayton Journal Herald, July 10, 1969. – 1969.

Armstrong Still the Same Old Neil. I I Lincoln [NE] Journal, July 20, 1978. – 1978.

Astronaut Neil Armstrong ‘Embodied Our Dreams’. // Aug. 27, 2012, National Public Radio. – 2012. [http://www.npr. org/2012/08/27/160095721/remembering-astronaut-neil-armstrong].

Babcock, Charles. Moon Was Dream to Shy Armstrong. / Charles Babcock. // Dayton Journal Herald, July 11, 1969. – 1969.

Bebbington, Jim. Armstrong Remembers Landing, Delights Auglaize Show Crowd. / Jim Bebbington. // Dayton Daily News, July 18, 1994. – 1994.

Benedict, Howard. Ten Men on the Moon. / Howard Benedict. // Florida Today, Dec. 3, 1972. – 1972.

Berkow, Ira. Neil Armstrong Stays Alone in His Private Orbit. / Ira Berkow. // Rocky Mount [NC] Telegram, Dec. 15, 1975. – 1975.

Brinkley, Douglas. The Man on the Moon. / Douglas Brinkley. // American History 39 (Aug. 2004). – 2004. – P. 26–37, 78.

Chriss, Nicholas C. After Tranquility, Astronauts Lives Were Anything but Tranquil. / Nicholas C. Chriss. // Houston Chronicle, July 16, 1989. – 1989.

Cincinnati’s Invisible Hero. // Cincinnati Post, Jan. 17, 1976. – 1976.

Cohen, Douglas. Private Man in Public Eye. / Douglas Cohen. // Florida Today, July 20, 1989. – 1989.

Conte, Andrew. The Silent Spaceman: 30 Years After Moon Landing, Armstrong Still Shuns Spotlight. / Andrew Conte. // Cincinnati Post, July 17, 1999. – 1999.

Cromie, William. Armstrong Plays Down His Mark on History. / William Cromie. // Washington Sunday Star, July 13, 1969. – 1969.

Day, Dwayne. Last thoughts about working with the First Man. / Dwayne Day. // The Space Review, Dec. 31,2012. – 2012. [http://www. thespacereview.com/article/2209/1].

Dillon, Marilyn. Moon Walk Remains a Thrill. / Marilyn Dillon. // Cincinnati Enquirer, June 12, 1979. – 1979.

Domeier, Douglas. From Wapakoneta to the Moon. / Douglas Domeier. // Dallas Morning News, Jun 21, 1969. – 1969.

Dordain. Jean-Jacques. Personal Tribute to Neil Armstrong. // Jean-Jacques Dordain. // [esa.com], Aug. 26, 2012. – 2012.

Dunn, Marcia. Neil Armstrong, 30 Years Later: Still Reticent After All These Years. / Marcia Dunn. // Associated Press story, July 20, 1999. – 1999. [ABCNEWS.com].

Earley, Sandra. In Search of Neil Armstrong. / Sandra Earley. // Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine, May 20, 1979. – 1979.

Furlong, William. Bluntly, He Places Ideas Above People. / William Furlong (World Book Science Service). // Lima News, June 13,1969. – 1969.

Galewitz, Phil. Astronaut’s Museum Speaks for Him. / Phil Gale-witz. // Palm Beach Post, Feb. 16, 2003. – 2003.

Graham, Tim. A Rare Talk with the Man from the Moon. / Tim Graham. // Cincinnati Post, Mar. 3, 1979. – 1979.

Greene, Bob. Neil Armstrong Down to Earth. / Bob Greene. // St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 10, 1979. – 1979.

Hansen, James R. The Truth about Neil Armstrong. / James R. Hansen. // [Space.com], Aug. 23, 2013. – 2013.

Harvey, Paul. Neil Called Semi-Recluse. / Paul Harvey. // Cincinnati Enquirer, May 13, 1981. – 1981.

Hatton, Jim. Neil Says Feet Firmly on Terra Firma. / Jim Hatton. // Cincinnati Enquirer, Dec. 2, 1974. – 1974.

Hersch, Matthew. Neil A. Armstrong, 5 August 1930-25 August 2012. / Matthew Hersch. // in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 157 (Sept. 2013) – 2013. – P. 347–51.

Home-Douglas, Pierre. An Engineer First. / Pierre Home-Doug-las. // Prism 13 (summer 2004). – 2004. – P. 42–45.

Johnston, John. Neil Armstrong, Reluctant Hero. / John Johnston, Saundra Amrhein, Richelle Thompson. // Cincinnati Enquirer, July 18, 1999. – 1999.

Kent, Fraser. £Good, Gray Men Fly to Moon. / Fraser Kent. // Cleveland Plain Dealer, July 15, 1969. – 1969.

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