Эпоха открытий. Возможности и угрозы второго Ренессанса - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Йен Голдин, Крис Кутарна cтр.№ 93

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Онлайн книга - Эпоха открытий. Возможности и угрозы второго Ренессанса | Автор книги - Йен Голдин , Крис Кутарна

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23. de Maddalena, Aldo and Hermann Kellenbenz (1986). La Repubblica Internazionale Del Denaro Tra XV E XVII Secolo. Bologna: Il Mulino.

24. Goldthwaite, Richard (2009). The Economy of Renaissance Florence. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

25. Ehrenberg, Richard (1928). Capital and Finance in the Age of the Renaissance: A Study of the Fuggers and Their Connections. London: Jonathan Cape. Р. 238.

26. Roxburgh, Charles, Susan Lund, et al. (2011). Mapping Global Capital Markets 2011. McKinsey Global Institute. New York: McKinsey & Co. Р. 32.

27. Manyika, James, Jacques Bughin, et al. (2014). Global Flows in a Digital Age. New York: McKinsey & Co.

28. Chomsisengphet, Souphala and Anthony Pennington-Cross (2006). “The Evolution of the Subprime Mortgage Market” // Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 88(1): 31–56.

29. Manyika, James, Jacques Bughin, et al. (2014). Global Flows in a Digital Age. New York: McKinsey & Co.

30. International Monetary Fund (2015). “Summary of International Transactions” // IMF Balance of Payments. По материалам data.imf.org.

31. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2015). “Inward and Outward Foreign Direct Investment Flows, Annual, 1970–2013” // UNCTAD Stat. По материалам unctadstat.unctad.org/wds.

32. Jin, David, David C. Michael, et al. (2011, July 7). “The Many City Growth Strategy” // Boston: Boston Consulting Group. По материалам www.bcgperspectives.com.

33. Wheatley, Jonathan and Sam Fleming (2015, October 1). “Capital Flight Darkens Economic Prospects for Emerging Markets” // The Financial Times. По материалам www.ft.com.

34. Osler Hampson, Fen (2012, October 30). “Canada Needs a Foreign Investment Plan Based on Fact, Not Fear” // iPolitics. По материалам www.ipolitics.ca/2012/10/30/breaking-out-of-the-investment-igloo.

35. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2015). “Goods and Services (BPM5): Exports and Imports of Goods and Services, Annual, 1980–2013” // UNCTADStat. По материалам unctadstat.unctad.org; International Monetary Fund (2015). “Summary of International Transactions” // IMF Balance of Payments. По материалам data.imf.org.

36. United Nations World Tourism Organization (2015). UNWTO Tourism Highlights (2015 Edition). Madrid: UNWTO.

37. World Bank Databank (2015). “Air Transport, Passengers Carried” // World Development Indicators. По материалам data.worldbank.org.

38. Manyika, James, Jacques Bughin, et al. (2014). Global Flows in a Digital Age. New York: McKinsey & Co.

39. International Civil Aviation Organization (1991, July). “Comparison of Traffic at the World’s Major Airports, 1989 Versus 1980” // ICAO Journal; International Civil Aviation Organization (2013). “Forecasts of Scheduled Passenger and Freight Traffic”. По материалам www.icao.int/sustainability/pages.

40. Boeing (2015). Current Market Outlook 2015–2034. Seattle: Boeing Commercial Airplanes Market Analysis.

41. Ibid.

42. Acemoglu, Daron, Simon H. Johnson, et al. (2002). The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional Change and Economic Growth. Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

43. Lynch, Katherine (2003). Individuals, Families, and Communities in Europe, 1200–1800: The Urban Foundations of Western Society. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Р. 30.

44. Elliott, J. H. (1963). Imperial Spain: 1469–1716. London: Edwin Arnold Ltd. Р. 177.

45. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2014). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision. New York: United Nations.

46. Ibid.

47. United Nations Population Fund (2007). Growing Up Urban: State of World Population 2007, Youth Supplement. New York: United Nations.

48. China National Statistics Bureau (1990). Fourth National Population Census. Beijing: Department of Population Statistics.

49. Shenzhen Government Online (2015). “Overview: Demographics”. По материалам english.sz.gov.cn/gi.

50. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2014). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision. New York: United Nations.

51. Ibid.

52. MacCulloch, Diarmaid (2003). Reformation: Europe’s House Divided, 1490–1700. London: Allen Lane. Р. 60, 648–649.

53. Frankel, Neil A. (2008). “Facts and Figures” // The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery in America. С сайта www.slaverysite.com/Body/facts%20and%20figures.htm.

54. World Bank (2013). “Bilateral Migration Matrix 2013” // Migration & Remittances Data. По материалам econ.worldbank.org.

55. Manyika, James, Jacques Bughin, et al. (2014). Global Flows in a Digital Age. New York: McKinsey & Co.

56. Eurostat (2015). “Non-National Population by Group of Citizenship, 1 January 2014” // Eurostat. С сайта ec.europa.eu/eurostat.

57. Goldin, Ian (2012). Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

58. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2013). “Total International Migrant Stock, 2013 Revision” // UN Population Division. По материалам esa.un.org/unmigration; Pew Research Center (2014, September 2). “Origins and Destinations of the World’s Migrants, from 1990–2013”. По материалам www.pewglobal.org.

59. Dustmann, Christian and Tommaso Frattini (2014). “The Fiscal Effects of Immigration to the UK” // The Economic Journal 124(580): 593–643.

60. Goldin, Ian (2012). Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

61. Ibid.

62. Ibid.

63. Kosloski, Rey (2014, June 11). The American Way of Border Control and Immigration Reform Politics. Oxford: Oxford Martin School.

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